Monday, August 6, 2007

... ...

"what are you doing here?"
"What is the matter with you; you scared me near half to death." Questions shot from her mouth rapid fire. Vic slid past her through the doorway and countered.
"when did you get here?"
"Early this morning. Your door was unlocked so i just came in to see if you were all right, and i didn't think you were here so i was making a drink and were going to hit me?" Her barrage was not to be stopped. Vic rolled his eyes.
"no." He turned from her and walked across the open expanse of concrete to the kitchen.
"why is there blood on your face? you really should lock your door. did someone hit you?"
"no." Vic answered, though in truth he couldn't remember. He peeked into the blender, smelled it, and poured some into a glass. He sipped. Something was missing.
"Did you fall? Are you feeling ok?" She followed him with questions as he searched through cabinets and opened cupboards.
"no and yes. Can we stop this game now?" he opened the cabinet over the fridge. He reached in a took out a bottle, smiling.
"what game? oh, don't you take that tone with me."
"tone?" he asked, un corking the bottle and pouring amber liquid into his comandeered smoothie.
"that one you do, the bored tone like you don't need this right now. you scared me." she paused, and looked at the bottle. "Is that rum?" Vic smiled widened.
"Yes, Mother, yes it is." He recorked the bottle and took a fork from a drawer, stirring the pool of rum into the frosty fruity goodness. "Would you like some?"

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